Saturday, September 01, 2007

Death is at Hand!

It was early August 2007 when I received late call from my sister Jene Ann requesting for a prayer for Ptr. Jerome V. Manriquez is admitted in hospital and in critical condition at Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and last August 20, 2007 I received a text from Diane my friend Shayne Cloie is admitted also in the Heart Center the same condition they both suffer heart problem. Those incidents crumpled my heart in deep sorrows knowing them they suffer so much struggling taking their breath. Two lives at stake with those gadgets installed to their bodies.

Since I could not do anything but to cry out the Lord, it’s not yet their time. And it seems I could not accept it. Faith and strong feelings that the Lord is listening, prayer request was sent to the Prayer Warriors and Intercessors all throughout the country to intercede before God for the two beings whose life is in the Valley of Death.

They had been discharged from the hospital knowing that they are well enough but just in few days their heart illness strikes them again and back to the hospital. Interceding to the Lord, for He is the great Doctor, the mighty Physician and the powerful Healer of all.

A miracle happens day after day in our lives, Ptr. Jeng Manriquez and Shayne Cloie were both out from the hospital rejoicing in God’s intervening miracles in the lives not just to them but to the brothers and sisters who interceded and prayed.

I was able to attend Ptr. Jeng’s 45th birthday Last August 10, 2007 he shared his testimony during his struggles; he dreamed that he is in journey in a very dark place walking through a path leading to a very tiny light, as he continue to move forward somebody pulled him back and he was awaken. He was inspired and fought to get well when he knew a lot of brothers and sister praying for him.

Shayne Cloie celebrated her victory over death. Her family so glad that she revived with her health she extends her appreciation to everybody who cared in praying for her, I caught her text message “Touched! Please extend my trillions of thanks, thank you to them; thanks could not be enough to appreciate their concern”.

The Lord promised us wherever we are, whatever we do, even we walk to the Shadow and the Valley of death he is there for us and let us not be afraid for he is with us and he is in us. Victorious battle for the two Children of the Lord, all glory, praise and honor belongs to Him. Death has been defeated! Let’s be sure that Christ is in our lives to conquer the spiritual death that we will see each other for eternity.

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