Saturday, May 27, 2006

Change Higher Gear E-commerce Perspective

Due to massive advance turn around of information technology nowadays it is the main objective of ICT@COOP training is E-commerce.

For the last 4 days of our E-commerce class, this has been handled by Ms. Janette Toral an expert of E-commerce industry and a consultant. I never thought that E-commerce plays a major role in business industry worldwide. It really helps individual business men and corporations for easy and faster transactions.

I learned that it is high time to change higher gear E-commerce perspective in cooperative business organizations. Since coops now are aiming to link with commercial banks in the future this will be a gateway in cooperative journey.

1 comment:

Janette Toral said...

Hi Noel. Thank you very much for the kind words and glad that you learned a lot. Cheers!